JOBO International

JOBO keeps the analog world going round
For Your Best Image
JOBO film processing and darkroom products are the market leading option for all your traditional photographic processing needs. Continuing a 100+ year tradition, JOBO offers a comprehensive product line designed for the new world of film photography.
JOBO Analog Equipment offers very precise film and print development. Rotation processing with one-shot chemicals has been applied in JOBO processors and gives the same high quality results to thousands of professional and hobby photographers, and businesses alike. This is because the requirements of the film and chemicals manufacturers were met 100%. JOBO machine processing not only allows the processing of color film at home (both E-6 and C-41), but it is also allows for very precise film processing of your B&W negatives to always achieve your desired density. Reproducible results are not only a big advantage for the beginner, but a necessity for the advanced film photographer working with the zone system according to Ansel Adams.
In fact, JOBO processors were even used by renowned film manufacturers in the USA, Japan and Germany to control their own film production! JOBO offers a universally compatible development system for flexible, creative work with any conceivable formula.
1500 Universal Tanks
The Universal Tank system is a modular system made of chemical-resistant plastics, for inversion or rotation processing all types of film from 35mm to 120/220 roll film.
The 1500 system is a highly modular, efficient, and economical roll film processing system. It is ideal for both inversion and manual processing, as well as for rotation or machine processing. The system has the versatility to accommodate as little as one roll of 35mm with no waste of chemistry. It is user expandable up to 10 rolls of 35mm or 12 rolls of 120.
The system consists of 4 elements: Tank 1510 for one 35mm film, Tank 1520 for two 35 mm films or 2 roll films, Tank 1540 for four 35 mm films or four roll films. Module 1530 will expand either tank to process 3 additional 35 mm films or 4 additional roll films 120.
Tanks 1510 and 1520 were developed for the most economic inversion processing, saving about 30% of chemicals compared with competitor tanks when used for inversion processing. The trusted and proven lid effectively and easily seals the tanks.
2500 Professional Tanks
The Professional Tank system for rotation processing of 35 mm and roll film and even 4x5” sheet film. The 2500 tanks are the trusted and proven solution meeting highest demands of professional film labs world-wide. To economize use of chemicals, various tank sizes are available.
Two different reels are available for use in the 2500 tank series: Reel #2502 for 35 mm and 120 roll film. These films are loaded without sheet film loader. The film is moved forward onto the reel by separate forward and backward movement of the right and left part of the reel. Reel #2509n is designed for sheet film in size 6x9 cm, 9x12 cm, and 4x5”. For rotation processing the film flaps need to be used to attain a high quality result. Even with use of these flaps the processing result will remain slightly less even than processing results achieved in the Expert Drum 10. To insert sheet film into the #2509n reel JOBO offers a sheet film loader and with sheet film guide. To make the 2500 tanks compatible with JOBO Processors with Lift.
The 2500 multitank system is a versatile processing system that can process anything from roll film to LF sheet film (with the specialized 2509n 4X5 reel). The 2500 system tanks are designed for rotation processing but can also be used for long, stand, or semi-stand processing. The 2502 and 2509n reels are easy to load, do not require any special loaders, and offer professional-standard quality, with perfect, even, and repeatable results.
3000 Expert Drums
The JOBO Expert Drums were designed by JOBO engineers in close cooperation with professional photographers and photo labs.
Soon after their introduction in 1987, Expert drums became the industry standard for sheet film processing. The totally random chemical distribution produces the world’s most even and consistent processing system. From 4X5 to 8X10, there is no better way to process sheet film or prints than with an Expert drum. Expert drums are a unique product in the world of sheet film processing; they are the only available solution for rotation processing of sheets larger than 4X5. Expert drums eliminate the need for complex and potentially damaging tray or hanger processing and are extremely easy to handle and load in the dark, especially when used for larger formats.
Of course the development of sheet film in daylight should take place in JOBO pro- cessors with easiest handling whilst rendering highest quality results. The slightly convex shape of the cylinders prevents the film from sticking to the tank and simul- taneously allows the anti-halation layer to be removed during pre-wash.
Depending on size, the Expert Tanks can process 5 to 10 sheet films at once with minimal consumption of chemicals. The tank allows water from the water-jacket to enter from the bottom so that each single cylinder is permanently and accurately tempered.
Expert drums are designed for use in rotation processing and require the Jobo lift accessory (#4072) when used on a Jobo processor. They can also be used manually with Jobo roller base #1509.

Film & Print Processors
JOBO Film and Print Processors enable you to create analog photography with a personal, creative touch. The original characteristic of personally developed analogue film and print becomes an art piece which pleasantly distinguishes itself from the mass of digital pictures. The time-tested JOBO rotation processing system allows for full and precise control of every aspect of the process and industry-standard quality results for virtually any photochemical process for film and paper.